[Hybrid] Senior Full...

[Hybrid] Senior Fullstack Python



  • 英語を活かせる
  • N1、N2保有者歓迎
  • ベトナム在住者歓迎
  • ベトナム現地採用
  • 民間医療保険加入

• Analyze system requirements/specifications.
• Design, develop and test web applications.
• Coordinate with Project Manager and BrSE to resolve issues.
• Write technical documentation.
• Training, support team members to resolve technical issues.
• Research and develop new technology related to the project.

[Hybrid] Senior Fullstack Python


職種 ITエンジニア、SE、PM、IT営業
業種 IT・インターネット・WEB
勤務地 ハノイ・ベトナム北部
勤務時間 Need to confirm
雇用・契約形態 正社員
想定年収 US・ドル(USD)    ~ 3万USD
給与についての説明 MacBook is provided to meet your work requirements.
Salary: Negotiable based on your skills, up to 2,200$
100% salary on 2 months of probation
13th month salary.
15-18 days of paid leave for employees over 1 year working
Language support programs for Japanese, English.
Performance appraisal and salary review twice a year.
Full gross salary payment for compulsory insurance.
Awards for most outstanding individuals every quarter, every year.
BE RECOGNIZED – Well Training and Developing Environment

Provide training for skill-up
Skillful technical mentors are always there to help
Regularly receive feedbacks from Leader/Manager
“6 months” Performance Evaluation for Career Development and Goal Setting
Salary review twice per year
POSITIVE Team with lots of FUN & CHILLs

Providing Free Snacks (Fresh Milk, Coffee, Tea, Yogurt, Red Bulls, etc.)
Happy Events: Birthday, Pizza Party, X-mas, Halloween, Full Moon Festival, etc.
Sports activities: Football, Table Tennis, Swimming Clubs, Badminton, etc.
Company Events: Quarterly Event, Year End Party, Yearly Company Trip and Other Occasionally Events/BBQ…
Intensive events: Language Support Program, Technical certification Support Program,… etc.
We care about your HEALTH

Bao Viet Premium Health-care packages.
Annual Health-care checkup.




