Business Analyst/Pro...

Business Analyst/Project Manager (Senior)



  • 英語を活かせる
  • N1、N2保有者歓迎
  • ベトナム在住者歓迎
  • 海外勤務経験者歓迎
  • ベトナム現地採用
  • 民間医療保険加入

– Translating business requirements into functional and technical requirements to include business processes, use cases along with requirements of user experience, UI integration and data
– Communicate changes, enhancements, and modifications of business requirements– verbally or through written documentation – so that issues and solutions are understood
– Manage and track the status of requirements throughout the project lifecycle; manage progress, quality, risk, problem solving
– Outstanding presentation, communication, and technical writing skills, with the ability to convey simple and complex information to other teams Viet Nam, Japan, Thailand (designer, developer, UXD)
– Work, communicate with client to exploit requirements
– Restructuring information and creat wireframe (by figma, XD)
– Estimate the cost and time of the project
– Create a proposal for a new project
– Operational design
– Establishment of operation system
– Planning user research (questionnaire design, Choose user, creat survey, interview, analyzing results)
– Requirement definition
– Minimum viable product (MVP) definition
– Executive report

Business Analyst/Project Manager (Senior)


職種 ITエンジニア、SE、PM、IT営業
業種 IT・インターネット・WEB
勤務地 ホーチミン・ベトナム南部
勤務時間 Need to confirm
雇用・契約形態 正社員
想定年収 US・ドル(USD)    ~ 4.5万USD
給与についての説明 ~3400$

– Bonus: 13th-month salary and Summer bonus (up to the company’s ability)
– Pay raise review: 2 times/year
– Holiday: 14 annual leave days based on Vietnam Government regulations and 1 special day
– Check heath 1 time/year
– Compulsory insurance full salary (Social Insurance, Health Insurance, Unemployment Insurance)
– Lunch allowance 700,000VND/month
– Gasoline allowance 300,000VND/month
– Quarterly and Yearly awards for excellent employees
– Company trip every year
– Company activities such as sports, dining/drinking
– Opportunity to work in Japan, Thailand, Malaysia…
– Working time: Flextime (Remote on Friday, Basically from 9am to 6pm (but flexible depending on the project situation)




