Bridge System Engine...

Bridge System Engineer



  • 英語を活かせる
  • N1、N2保有者歓迎
  • ベトナム在住者歓迎
  • ベトナム現地採用
  • 民間医療保険加入

– Work directly with Japanese clients: negotiating/arranging work with the Japanese clients; analysis of project requirements; prepare proposals and quotations; report; communicate to the project team.
– Play a role as a communication channel between development team and clients.
– Understand the requirements of clients.
– Create/refine specifications according to the requirements and explain them to clients and members accurately.
– Track project timeline, report to clients on a regular basic.

Bridge System Engineer


職種 ITエンジニア、SE、PM、IT営業
業種 IT・インターネット・WEB
勤務地 ハノイ・ベトナム北部
勤務時間 – Working hours are 5 days/week and 8 hours/day.
– Flexible timekeeping from 7am to 9am, as long as you work 8 hours/day.
雇用・契約形態 正社員
想定年収 ベトナム・ドン(VND)   5億VND ~ 8億VND
給与についての説明 40,000,000 ~ 60,000,000VND

– Global working environment, Flexible working time
– 14th month salary & review performance once a year
– Annual leave: 16 days per year
– Full Insurances followed Vietnamese Labor Law
– Working equipment provided by the company
– Allowance: Certificate, Language, Lunch, Transportation, Teambuilding
– Bonuses, Gifts for Holidays, Birthday party, Company trip
– 2 months probation, 100% salary
– After 2 months, the company will consider signing an official labor contract with a term of 1 year
– 13-14 months salary/year; 16 days vacation/year.
– Review and evaluate salary increases once a year.
– Working hours are 5 days/week and 8 hours/day.
– Flexible timekeeping from 7am to 9am, as long as you work 8 hours/day.
– The company pays the full salary and pays according to the qualifications stated on the labor contract
– When signing the official labor contract, the company will purchase Helthcare health insurance for you
– In addition to salary, the company will pay an additional allowance for dinner and transportation of 1,250k/month (Long meals 1 million, transportation 250k)
– Allowance for certificates: Japanese, English, Testing machine, External system….
– Annual travel and vacation regime prolongs the castle’s lifespan
– Birthday gift, Teambuilding 200k/month.
– Bonus on all holidays and New Year of the year. The bonus level is not fixed, depending on the business situation




